340B Impact
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340B Impact is an interactive business intelligence solution that provides insights into your 340B program's performance and identifies opportunities to enhance program savings.
Connecting data for new cost-saving insights
340B Impact facilitates the effective management of a complex 340B program, presenting a curated network of solutions that leverage business intelligence technology to inform customer decisions – so health systems achieve more.
Why 340B Impact?
- For the financial health of your organization: accurate and timely insight into your performance is critical to effective 340B program management.
- For the value derived from performance measurement: savings trackers measure the business impact of guided interventions by health system personnel.
- To simplify 340B's significant supply chain complexity: 340B Impact unwinds multifactorial purchasing decisions to provide targeted insights.
- To leverage full visualization and interaction capabilities: using Microsoft's Power BI technology will allow you to act on our data-driven analytics.
Which providers consistently prescribe high-cost drugs?
For power through leveraging McKesson distribution and Macro Helix data, creating actionable 340B business intelligence
Which drugs are driving costs for acute myocardial infraction admissions?
To leverage the full capabilities of Microsoft’s PowerBI technology, acting on our data-driven analytics
By integrating purchasing, usage and reimbursement data, Utilization Analytics focuses on the financial health of your health system pharmacy by giving you visibility into some of your most vital concerns, such as:
Tool Capabilities (PowerBI)
Optional description
Flexible search options
Data is presented at the system-level by default, with flexibility to isolate specific data points down to the account and NDC level. Data provides a comprehensive view of program performance.
Internal benchmarks
Use the left menu to navigate between analytics and optimization tabs that will allow you to understand drivers of 340B program performance and spot opportunities for improved program savings.
Usage by prescriber
Data customization and numerous filter options to drill into the program metrics and see how performance is broken out at the hospital, service type, location and account levels.
Utilization by diagnosis
Narrow your results by applying filters to specific dates or drugs throughout the tool.
Drill down functionalities within each graph to view details such as which drugs are driving costs for acute MI admissions.
View differences between prescribers to focus your cost reduction strategies.
Upon enacting of various filters or mouse selections, all figures and graphics on the page reset to represent current selections/filters.
340B Impact Features: Savings Analysis
Explain usage of high-cost drugs to identify focus areas for your health system pharmacy.
Data exporting
Compares 340B savings against drug expense to quickly identify diverging trends. Further analysis with 340B Impact can identify the source of the changing spend and savings profile.
Savings can be further analyzed through a drug hierarchy moving from broad therapeutic categories through individual NDCs.
Utilization by drug
Predict the budget impact of price changes by drug and purchasing account.
340B Impact Features: WAC Analysis
Uncover drugs with sub-optimal reimbursement.
WAC Premium Opportunity - For entities carving out Medicaid, identify actionable WAC Premium while accounting for intentional WAC Medicaid purchases. - Medicaid exclusion data derives from Macro Helix charge and prescription- testing management data.
Reimbursement by location and payer
Quickly determine the impact of WAC purchases on your 340B program performance.
Reimbursement by drug
View the impact of your WAC purchases (as compared to GPO pricing) across your system, drilling to understand what areas are driving volume.
Find out profit and margin by payer to make better contracting decisions.
Discover which facilities and payers generate the highest and lowest reimbursement.
View which drugs bring in the greatest reimbursement for your health system or which drugs have sub-optimal reimbursement.
Net WAC Impact Analysis - Drill into and evaluate trends for Net WAC Impact for therapeutic classes or individual drugs. Slice the results to focus on WAC Savings, WAC Premium or all results combined.
340B Impact Features: Retail Analysis
Track monthly hospital 340B prescription revenue and invoiced 340B drug expense to determine realized monthly net program revenue.
Track your 340B prescription capture rates by pharmacy or the entire health system. Quickly determine the effectiveness of your Written Location (e-prescribing) logic.
For Macro Helix-managed retail relationships, track and trend total 340B prescription revenue (Amount Collected), dispensing fees, and 340B prescription drug cost used to calculate hospital net revenue from retail, specialty and 3rd party contract pharmacy relationships.
Outpatient reimbursement
See how your contract pharmacy performance trends, based on the date scripts were dispensed versus the date scripts were qualified, allowing you to quickly identify the impact of retroactive testing or rule and setting updates.
Optimization Modules 1: Generics
“I need to be a good steward of my hospital’s resources. How can I select the lowest cost generic at my 340B hospital?” - Shortages can be a nuisance, what’s available at my McKesson DC? - I wonder if I use this drug in the inpatient or outpatient setting more? - What if there is a low WAC contract price? Does that mean it’s the best option? - I’ve been buying Product X for a while but I know generic prices change. How can I keep up? - I think I have special split features turn on in Macro Helix, should that change my decision?
Real-time analytics are used to identify optimal generic drug selection, with targeted opportunities that provide baseline and project unit costs with 90-day savings calculated.
Realized Savings Tracking - As you act on these generic targets, 340B Impact tracks subsequent purchases for the therapeutic group and calculates savings achieved – a savings odometer.
Use this module to answer these questions from 340B Program Managers and Buyers
Access to and use of the 340B Impact Generics tool is subject to the Terms of Use of the Macro Helix web site and these supplemental conditions: the 340B Impact Generics tool is designed to: (1) present an alternative generic recommendation based exclusively on potential cost savings to the customer; (2) treat controls and non-controls the same; (3) present cost-saving alternatives for medicines purchased by the customer; and (4) provide information of the type Macro Helix already provides with the added metric of a customer’s 340B savings/qualifications (as applicable). The tool is designed to provide alternative opportunities, and any decisions made will be the customer’s independent judgment and at the customer’s sole discretion. Macro Helix does not guarantee the accuracy of the potential savings.
Optimization Modules 2: Mixed Use
Covered entities commonly miss 340B savings opportunities with high-cost drugs in mixed use environments. These opportunities are not often identified with traditional WAC premium analyses. The remedies required to achieve additional savings include (among others): - BUPP modification - Resolving gaps in charge capture - Crosswalk maintenance - Limited distribution items purchase patterns
The remedies don’t matter if you can’t identify the targets. 340B Impact does just that. Let us help you identify and value these program gaps.
Realized Savings Tracking - As you act on these mixed- use targets, 340B Impact tracks subsequent purchases and calculates savings achieved – a savings odometer. Managers will know the value achieved in comparison to the time spent in the tool.
No worries, 340B Impact knows your pertinent Medicaid utilization and accounts for that in the analytics and recommendations.
Realized Savings Tracking - As you act on these mixed-use targets, 340B Impact tracks subsequent purchases and calculates savings achieved – a savings odometer. Managers will know the value achieved in comparison to the time spent in the tool.
Carving out Medicaid?